UPgrade to Service Dog /Assistance Dog (if you have a PSDeurope certificate)

UPgrade to Service Dog /Assistance Dog (if you have a PSDeurope certificate)


Your dog is currently trained as a PSD dog to USDoT standards. This additional module enables you to upgrade to Service Dog / Assistance Dog (PSD) status. You also must do a session with our psychotherapist to discuss and find your special tasks.

This means:

  • Expansion of the existing task list according to US DoT
  • Tasklist meeting with psychotherapist to discuss and determine new requirements.
  • Training of the new tasks
  • Creation of the extended task videos
  • Test of the new task videos
  • Working through the additional modules in the theory course

You will receive:

  • A new certificate that identifies the dog as an assistance dog
  • An extended period of validity of again 3 years from the date of certificate
  • New PSD Assistance Dog Task List
  • New PSDeurope ID card that identifies the dog as an assistance dog

What remains unchanged:

  • You do not need a new therapy or doctor’s confirmation
  • The emergency card remains valid
  • Certification according to USDoT standards remains unchanged

What is the extended certification useful for:

  • Flights and travel in the EU and other parts of the world that do not recognize the validity of the US DoT certificate
    (Europe, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Africa, South America, Central America)


Your dog is currently trained as a PSD dog to USDoT standards. This additional module enables you to upgrade to Service Dog / Assistance Dog (PSD) status
. Special therapy session to develop and define the special assistance dog tasks.

This means:

  • Expansion of the existing task list according to US DoT
  • Tasklist meeting with psychotherapist to discuss and determine new requirements.
  • Training of the new tasks
  • Creation of the extended task videos
  • Test of the new task videos
  • Working through the additional modules in the theory course

You will receive:

  • A new certificate that identifies the dog as an assistance dog
  • An extended period of validity of again 3 years from the date of certificate
  • New PSD Assistance Dog Task List
  • New PSDeurope ID card that identifies the dog as an assistance dog

What remains unchanged:

  • You do not need a new therapy or doctor’s confirmation
  • The emergency card remains valid
  • Certification according to USDoT standards remains unchanged

What is the extended certification useful for:

  • Flights and travel in the EU and other parts of the world that do not recognize the validity of the US DoT certificate
    (Europe, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Africa, South America, Central America)