Online therapy session with Dr. Beate Pottmann-Knapp
Here you can also book your therapy session to determine if you are eligible to book PSDeurope training to train your dog.
Here you can book therapy sessions with Dr. Beate Pottmann-Knapp for your psychological concerns or for self-awareness.
The online therapy session will last 30 min and can be done online via Zoom or WhatsApp. The appointment is made after booking by agreement via email.
When booking for assistance dog house training, you will also receive a questionnaire that you must fill out, sign and return to PSDeurope before the therapy session.
Additionally, we ask that you bring your dog to the online therapy session.
Upon positive completion, you will receive a certificate confirming that you need your dog for your life and that the dog plays a very important role for you. This is a prerequisite for booking the PSDeurope training to become an assistance dog or a PSD according to USDoT standards.
Please order the therapy consultation as a separate purchase, not in combination with one of our training courses.